Your Guide on How to Write a Successful Guest Post

By: Israel Gaudette

Greetings, skilled content creators! Welcome to your passport to making a splash in the vast ocean of the internet.

Guest posting allows you to share and develop ideas and concepts with an audience who values your unique viewpoints.

In this ultimate guide, we will analyze the techniques behind crafting guest posts that are engaging, informative, and meaningful to readers. Ready to rock those digital pages? Let’s begin!


First, let’s explain the basics. We’re talking definitions – we’ll define what a guest post is and how it can turbocharge your online presence.

Understanding Guest Posting

how to write a guest post

Now, you may be asking, “What is guest posting?” Simply put, it’s a content marketing strategy where individuals publish guest articles on other people’s blogs or websites to reach a wider audience.

Also called “guest blogging,” these posts are like being invited to write on someone else’s blog. The guest blogger demonstrates his wisdom on a topic that aligns with his blog’s niche.

This tool can help the guest blogger grow his network by linking with new people, raising online visibility, and uncovering more guest posting opportunities.

Knowing what value you can offer to other blogs is essential to identify potential guest posting opportunities.

With guest posts, guest posters get the spotlight momentarily, and the blog owner gets valuable, engaging content.

Importance of Guest Posting

Guest blogging does wonders for your digital presence.

First off, it lets you highlight your expertise. When you share useful facts on someone else’s medium, you showcase your expertise to new readers eager to acquire insights.

This means your credibility skyrockets quickly. But there’s more: consider guest blogging like a digital handshake with other guest bloggers and readers.

You’re developing connections with fellow guest bloggers and potentially cultivating partnerships that may lead to guest post opportunities on other sites.

Getting Started

how to write a guest post get started

Whether you’re an aspiring wordsmith or a seasoned content guru, here’s how to kick-start that guest post.

Researching Suitable Blogs

Part of your guest blogging strategy should involve researching and uncovering potential guest post sites that align with your niche and target market.

First off, guest posters have to think about compatibility. You want to scout other blogs that fit your topic, style, and voice.

Look at the blog’s content, audience, and engagement better. Don’t just skim the surface, dig deep. Your goal is to guest post where people are eager for what you bring.

Check out their social media posts, comments, and vibes – if their content is similar to yours, it’s a good sign you’ve found your spot.

Recognizing a Target Audience

To reach your own audience effectively, you need to understand who they are. Start with the individual’s age, hobbies, and challenges.

Tailor your own blog to resonate with them. A useful approach to acquiring knowledge is utilizing social networks to read blogs and reviews and observe the content that other people share.

Using language that echoes with them and addresses their needs is important to communicate effectively with others.

Providing content they are interested in will also help keep them engaged.

How to Compose a Guest Post

compose guest post

Now it’s time to explain how to compose a guest blog post.

We’ll discuss improving your written content with advice, techniques, and online tools.

Crafting an Effective Pitch

Research the blog you’re pitching to create a pitch and understand their style and content. Select a pertinent and worthwhile subject that will capture their interest.

Keep your pitch snappy and informative, introduce yourself and compliment their blog, and don’t forget to include a call to action.

To attain success, it’s essential to cooperate and be available to new ideas and necessary changes. Make your pitch personal and irresistible.

Structuring your Guest Blog Posts

When writing a guest blog post, start with a catchy title and an introduction that hooks your readers. Structure the body of your own posts logically with subheadings and supporting evidence.

Conclude by summarizing your key ideas, prompting action, or proposing a resolution. You can enhance your message by including visuals.

Suggestions for Writing a High-Quality Post

Guest blogging is the way to go to reach new readers. Here are some useful tips to help you create a top-notch post:

  • Choose the Right Platform: Research and identify websites or blogs that align with your expertise, target audience, and email subscribers. Conduct guest blogging outreach. Choosing a platform with a strong readership and positive reputation in your industry is important.
  • Understand the Guidelines: Remember to follow each blog’s guest post guidelines for submissions. Guest post guidelines typically cover word count, formatting, image usage, and tone.
  • Familiarize Yourself with the Audience: Understand the readers of the platform you’re writing for. Do you share their interests, problems, and preferences? You can also tailor your own blog to address their needs and provide value.
  • Craft an Engaging Headline: Your headline is the first thing readers see. Create an engaging and relevant headline. It can attract readers to read further into your writing.
  • Use a Compelling Introduction: Capture readers’ attention from the beginning to encourage your audience to keep reading. Pose a question, share a surprising fact, or tell a brief anecdote about your topic.
  • Develop a Clear Structure: Organize your post clearly and logically. A great guest post typically includes an introduction, the main blog content, and a conclusion. Utilize subheadings to break up the text and make it easier to skim.
  • Provide Valuable Content: When writing a guest post, offer valuable insights, solutions, or information that will benefit the readers. When creating content, aim to provide information that either teaches, entertains, or offers solutions to the issues your intended audience is facing.
  • Include Actionable Points: Throughout the post, offer practical tips or steps that readers can apply. Actionable content is more likely to be remembered.
  • Back-Up with Evidence: Whenever possible, support your points with data, research, examples, or case studies. Enhancing your post’s credibility adds value.
  • Write in a Clear and Concise Manner: Keep your writing straightforward and easy to understand. Avoid jargon or overly complex language. When you write a guest post, create short paragraphs and use bullet points to make the content more digestible.
  • Include a Call to Action (CTA): Conclude your post with a clear CTA that encourages readers to take the next step, whether leaving a comment, sharing the post, or visiting your own site.
  • Be Authentic: Inject your personality and unique voice into your writing. Establishing authenticity strengthens the bond with readers. Give your newly born blog a chance by choosing a topic few bloggers have written about.
  • Engage with Readers: Once you have guest-posted, actively engage with readers in the comments section. Reply to comments, answer questions, and participate in the discussion.
  • Promote Your Post: Don’t rely solely on the platform of the blog owner for promotion. Give your guest post more visibility by sharing it on social networks, email newsletters, and relevant platforms. This can expand its reach and attract more readers.

When guest blogging, showcase expertise and provide valuable insights. Follow these guidelines to connect with the audience and establish yourself as a specialist.

Implementing SEO Practices in Your Writing

Guest blogging SEO (Search Engine Optimization) involves applying techniques crucial to making your content readily discoverable by search engines and your desired audience.

Begin by doing keyword research that aligns with your topic and what your target audience is searching for. Keywords are like the essential ingredients in your virtual pantry.

Strategically place your selected keywords in your title, headers, and post, but avoid overusing them, as Google can detect this. It’s like seasoning your food – a little goes a long way.

Create a compelling meta description with your primary keyword to encourage readers to click through. Link-building is also crucial, allowing readers to explore other parts of your digital world.

Incorporate external and internal links to add depth and credibility to your post. Including internal links to their existing posts shows that you’re a thoughtful writer.

Keep your URL structure simple and short to make it easier to type and cleaner-looking. Avoid lengthy, confusing URLs. A clean URL is like a clear address that directs visitors straight to your doorstep.

By enforcing these SEO approaches, you can enhance the visibility of your content and attract the appropriate audience.

SEO Tactics for Better Backlinks

Aim for quality over quantity to boost your backlinks and seek links from trustworthy, relevant sources.

Networking is crucial, so connect with guest bloggers, influencers, and industry leaders who can appreciate your content. If someone finds your post useful, they might include a hyperlink.

Promote your guest post on social networks and notify anyone mentioned in the post for potential shout-outs and backlinks.

When crafting a guest post, complement the content of the blog owner to showcase your expertise and make your pitch irresistible. At this point, you should consider how to pitch your guest post ideas.

Utilize descriptive and relevant anchor text for your backlinks, guiding readers to your post. Remember to keep up with SEO trends and algorithms, as what works today may not work tomorrow.

Continuously learn, adjust, and adapt your strategies.

With smart tactics, your content will become a digital masterpiece that attracts readers and strengthens your online presence.

Post-Submission Process

Now it’s time to dive into the “what’s next?” We’re talking about the steps after you hit that “send” button – from waiting on the virtual edge of your seat to handling revisions.

How to Submit Your Guest Post

To submit excellent guest content, follow these guidelines and communicate well with the hosting platform.

  1. Read the Guidelines: Before writing your guest post, carefully read and understand the guest post submission guidelines provided by the hosting platform. Their guidelines usually include word count information and any requirements the blog owner needs.
  2. Craft Your Post: Write a well-researched and valuable guest post that aligns with the platform’s audience and theme. This will help you create a compelling and informative guest article.
  3. Create a Professional Bio: Other guest posts include a guest author bio at the end. Write a concise and engaging bio highlighting your expertise and providing some personal information. Include a link to your own site or social network profiles. Build a custom landing page to reflect the audience. For example, your landing page could offer a free PDF of your book or a free chapter in exchange for a visitor’s email address. Ensure your bio includes a link to your website with your target anchor text, and you are all set.
  4. Prepare Relevant Images: If the platform allows or requires images, ensure they’re high-quality, relevant to the content, and properly sourced or attributed. Follow any image specifications provided in the guidelines.
  5. Review and Edit: Proofread your post for errors, clarity, and coherence. Consider asking a mate or colleague to review it, as a fresh pair of eyes can catch mistakes you might have missed.
  6. Follow Submission Instructions: Pay close attention to the submission instructions in the guidelines. Some platforms have submission forms on their websites, while others might require you to email your post to a specific address. Include your post, bio, and any relevant images as attachments.
  7. Compose a Cover Email: If you’re submitting your guest post via email, write a concise and professional cover email. Present yourself, briefly explain the purpose of your email, and include any necessary attachments or links to other pages.
  8. Subject Line: In the subject line of your email, mention that you’re submitting a guest post. Be specific and include the title of your post if possible.
  9. Personalize Your Approach: If you’ve had any prior interaction with the platform (such as commenting on their articles or engaging on social networks), reference it in your cover email. Personalizing your approach shows that you’re genuinely interested in their guest content.
  10. Patience is Key: After submitting your guest post, be patient. Reviewing and publishing guest posts takes time. If you haven’t heard back within the platform’s specified time frame, you can mail a courteous follow-up email to request the status of your submission.
  11. Engage After Publication: Once your guest post is published, engage with the readers in the comments section. Respond to comments, answer inquiries, and converse about your post.
  12. Promote Your Post: Promote your guest post on your social networks (Twitter, Facebook, etc.), website, and email newsletter. Many businesses are now utilizing professional guest posting services to secure placements on high-traffic websites for maximum online visibility.

To increase your chances of successful guest post submissions, follow the platform’s guidelines, provide valuable content, and establish a positive relationship with the target blog owner and audience.

Follow Up and Establish Relationships with Blog Owners

If you haven’t received a response, sending a friendly follow-up email is okay. This shows your enthusiasm without being pushy.

Once your guest post is publicized, share it on your social media platforms, promote it on your own blog, and mention it in your newsletter if you have one.

To join the blog community, it is important to reply to their commentaries and engage with the readers. Keep nurturing the relationships you build by sharing their blog and commenting on their blog posts.

Pitch another guest post if you’re feeling bold. Building relationships with guest blog owners can lead to more guest blogging opportunities and collaborations.

Using Guest Posting for Brand Promotion

guest posting brand promotion

One of the advantages of guest posting is that it lets you tap into a fresh audience and extend your reach within your industry.

If you’re new to branding or a skilled professional aiming to enhance your visibility, this section provides an exclusive look into the benefits of guest blogging.

Benefits of Guest Posting

Guest posting, or guest blogging, is documenting and publishing content on someone else’s website or guest blog. It offers several benefits for both the guest blogger and the site owners, like:

  • Expanded Audience Reach: Guest blogging allows you to tap into a new and potentially larger audience. The readers of someone else’s site will be exposed to your content, introducing them to your guest post ideas and expertise.
  • Increased Website Traffic: You can drive organic traffic by link-building to your own website or relevant content within your guest post. Readers who find your content valuable will likely click these links to learn more.
  • Enhanced Authority and Credibility: Publishing guest posts on reputable websites can help establish you as an authority in your field. Guest posts showcase your knowledge, skills, and insights, which can lead to increased credibility among your target audience.
  • Networking and Relationship Building: Guest blogging allows you to connect with other professionals in your industry. Building relationships with fellow guest bloggers, writers, and website owners can help you find guest blogging opportunities, partnerships, and more exposure. The best way to land guest post opportunities is by offering bloggers that you’ll deliver a ton of importance to their audience (and them)—and better yet, you’ll hand it all over on a silver platter.
  • Improved SEO and Backlinks: High-quality guest posts often include your own website backlink. These backlinks can positively impact your site’s search engine ranking by displaying to search engines your content is valuable and worth linking to.
  • Social Media Exposure: Guest posts are typically shared by the guest blogger and the host’s website on social networks. Guest posts expose your content to a wider audience and can increase followers and engagement on your social media platforms.
  • Diversification of Content: Writing for different platforms challenges you to adapt your content to various audiences and writing styles. Enhancing your writing abilities can increase your communication skills and enable you to connect with diverse audiences more effectively.
  • Opportunity to Share Expertise: Guest blogging allows the guest poster to share their knowledge and insights with a broader audience. Sharing guest posts can be a wonderful way to distribute facts and offer resolutions to everyday issues.
  • Content Syndication: Some websites have agreements with other platforms to syndicate content. Your guest post might be republished on multiple sites, further amplifying its reach.
  • Long-Term Benefits: Well-written guest posts can continue to drive referral traffic and benefit your SEO and guest blogging efforts for a long time. As long as the content stays pertinent, it has the potential to keep drawing in readers and backlinks.
  • Learning and Growth: Engaging with different audiences and platforms can expose you to new perspectives, guest post ideas, and approaches. It’s an opportunity for continuous learning and personal growth.
  • Monetary Compensation: In some cases, particularly in industries where content is highly valued, guest bloggers might be compensated for their contributions.

In digital marketing, the relevance and effectiveness of guest blogging in link-building and enhancing brand exposure cannot be underestimated.

Making valuable and relevant content is essential for maximizing the benefits of guest posting. Ensuring the creation of superior content should be regarded as a paramount objective.

Successful Guest Blogging Stories

Let’s dive into a couple of successful guest-posting stories that showcase the real-life impact of this powerful guest blogging strategy:

Story 1: Valuable Insights From an Expert

Brian Lang is a content writer/strategist and the creator of Small Business Ideas Blog and Web Developers Etc.

He firmly believes that guest posting is one of the most famous content marketing tactics to help grow your online audience if done right.

Despite its usefulness, Brian noticed many people trying it only to receive mediocre results.

Independently, he has done several guest posts that have been featured on popular sites like Kissmetrics, Unbounce, and Entrepreneur.

He also experimented with publishing on other platforms and targeting lesser-known blogs.

Some guest posts sent him over a hundred subscribers in a short amount of time, while others resulted in little traffic at all.

This successful guest blogger concluded that for the best results, you must promote your old guest posts, experiment with writing for different blogs, and be committed to guest posting for the long term.

Story 2: Success Leads to Achievements and Influence

Ekaterina Walter is a noteworthy figure in the tech and marketing industry. She is the CMO and Co-Founder at Branderati, a social media trailblazer, an author, and a former member of Intel’s social media team.

Walter has composed for significant publications, including Social Media Examiner, Forbes, LinkedIn, Fast Company, MediaPost, Mashable, Social Media Today, and many others.

Her comprehensive guest blogging, professional growth, use of social media, and diverse speaking engagements have earned her the reputation of a thought leader in her industry.

Her book, Think Like Zuck, became a WSJ best seller, solidifying her standing as a well-known author. Walter’s use of guest blogging and other tactics has helped her build a strong personal brand.

Frequently Asked Questions

Read through this section to learn more about the guest posting process.

What Is Guest Posting?

Guest posting is when you write and contribute a blog post to another person’s blog or website.

It’s an excellent way to showcase your skills, reach a larger audience, build connections, drive referral traffic, and uncover fresh prospects for guest posting.

How Do I Start Writing Guest Posts?

When you write guest posts, identify other blogs in your niche accepting guest posts, research their guidelines, and develop relevant and valuable topic ideas.

Create an engaging introduction and pitch your guest post idea while highlighting your expertise. It’s vital to grab the reader’s attention.

Once they accept guest posts, follow the guidelines and create a high-quality post that resonates with the blog’s audience.

How Do I Pitch My Guest Post to a Blog Owner?

When you pitch your guest post, keep it concise and engaging. Introduce yourself briefly, express your appreciation for their blog, and explain why your post would benefit their audience.

Summarize your guest post idea and highlight what sets you apart as a writer. End with a friendly call to action and thank them for considering your guest post pitch.

What Should I Avoid When Writing a Guest Post?

When writing a guest post, avoid overly promotional content, poor grammar and spelling, disregarding the blog’s guidelines, and copying content from elsewhere.

It is important to avoid discussing topics that do not relate to the blog’s specific focus and remember to interact with readers by responding to comments after publishing your post.

How Does Guest Posting Benefit My Brand?

Posting as a guest can benefit your brand in multiple ways. Some brand benefits include growing your online presence, enhancing your credibility as a specialist, and increasing your website’s visibility through link-building.

Writing guest blogs can help you expand your audience, establish relationships with different guest bloggers and influencers, and find new guest posting opportunities.


From nailing those guest post pitches to writing guest posts that sing, you now have the tools to rock the guest-posting game like a champ.

Always remember that it’s not only the words you type that matter but also the relationships you establish and the opportunities you create.

To create a successful guest post, make a good pitch, know your audience well, and write clearly and concisely.

Guest posting lets you showcase your expertise, grow your network, and elevate your brand. It’s a fantastic way to connect with new people and gain visibility.